© Chiara Ceolin, Broad Vision 2012.
Welcome to my website. The content offers insights into my experiences as educator in the creative arts and my research into the creative process, collective learning, interdisciplinarity, intercultural exchange, learning environments and students as co-creators.
My research has been published widely, most recently in the co-authored chapter Using Cross-disciplinary Object-based Learning to Create Collaborative Learning Environments with Judy Willcocks, published in Teaching and Learning Innovations in Higher Education by Libri Publishing. and the co-authored article in Leonardo Co-creation Across Spaces of Uncertainty: Interdisciplinary Research and Collaborative Learning with Mark Clements.
Other writings capturing my current concerns and thinking can be found in the Decolonising the Arts Zine #2 (or as a visual reflection) and on the FUEL4DESIGN blog.
FUEL4DESIGN, is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership between the University of the Arts London, Milan Politecnico, Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, and Oslo School of Architecture and Design. The project focuses on curriculum innovation and developing Futures Literacy in Design. In March 2020 I was invited by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar to share first discoveries of the project via Hacking Futures – Futures Hacking: How to imagine, shape and design alternate futures as part of Unfreezing: Conference about the future of teaching and learning. In June 2022, the UAL team (Dr Betti Marenko, Pras Gunasekera and I) co-hosted Building Pedagogical Futures in the present: Dispatches on How to imagine an otherwise, an international dialogic space to explore the transformative power of design education and the urgent need for future literacies.